Errors when attempting to add your TV Provider
Last updated Jan 2025
If you are experiencing either of these error codes this is due to having multiple entitlements associated with your account. This can affect all of the devices you have used to stream content on Gotham Sports.
To resolve this issue and get back to streaming your favorite teams’ content, please follow the below steps on each device where you are authenticated:
- Remove your TV provider (if you have purchased a Gotham Sports subscription you will need to perform this action on a Web browser such as Chrome or Safari)
- Navigate to Account Page
- Select "Manage TV Provider"
- Confirmation Screen Displayed, Select "Disconnect"
- Return to account page
- Log out of Gotham Sports
- Navigate to Account Page
- Select "Log Out"
- Select "Yes" on confirmation screen
- You must repeat this process on all devices that you use Gotham Sports
- Log back in to Gotham Sports
- Enter email and password
- Sign back in to your TV Provider
- Navigate to Account Page
- Select "Connect TV Provider"
- Select your TV Provider
- Directed to TV Provider Log in Page
- Enter TV Provider Credentials
- Return to account page
- Repeat this process on all devices that you use Gotham Sports